Written by 5:50 am Resources

Amazing Best Sellers Mega Bundle for Designers


New mega bundle with best quality design custom fonts, vector shapes, presentation mockups, amazing effects, and add-ons with vintage / retro feel in one bundle! With almost 95% off + extended license, and available for limited time only! you’ll need to grab this mega bundle while you can.

With this deal you get:

  • Custom Fonts (29 font families!)
  • Cool Effects & Add-ons (16 items)
  • Presentation Mock-up Templates (3 items)
  • Cool Graphics (extra in some fonts & 2 items )


Opss this Deal is Over!


Take a quick look at what you can get in this Deal:

Florabella Typeface
Carolinea is a hand lettered script fonts
Cresilda Script is a fluid handwritten calligraphy fonts,
Loveton is a skinny swirly beautiful script typeface
Amelian Script Typeface
Bowney Marowney Vintage Bundle
Modiaro Typeface oldstyle handmade swirl in vintage ornamental design
Handoubt Typeface is a doubtful pen brush script
Deadhead Brush is a script typeface
New Rumpledrop typeface
Fonderful is a hand-painted typeface
Fonino is based on handdrawn typeface
Fonjava –A new typeface based on handlettering script
Fonago is a display serif font
Rachel is a beautiful hand typeface
Thunder is a beautiful hand typeface that comes with a set of Beautiful extras
Wendi is a beautiful hand painted script
Goldpicker is a vintage retro styled typeface
VectorPress: Illustrator Letterpress
ColorWash Faded Photoshop Actions
FilmStock – Analog Photoshop Actions
60 Seamless Watercolor Backgrounds

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