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25 Free UI Kits For Web and Graphic Designers

User interface design is the first thing our users see on our websites. So UI Kits or web design elements play a very important role in  interface designing. UI design involves a lot of creativity, inspiration and motivation along with the people-skills necessary to communicate effectively with clients.

Today freebie is 25 Free UI Kits for web and graphic designers. It includes all UI design web elements in PSD format,  Some elements available in vector and can literally be scaled to any size.

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User Interface Kits for Web & Graphic Designers

Web elements are the basic requirement of any web related projects and good quality design elements are like a treasure for designers. If you are looking for that perfect web design elements for your web site, blog, web app or mobile apps, you will find them here. So Enjoy and let us know by commenting below:

The Bricks – User Interface Framework

The Bricks is a Free set of User Interface components designed to facilitate the creation of design or prototype for the future website. This package will help you save your time in the process of development of components, and will become an excellent basis for creating website from design to code. Don’t waste your time drawing numerous shapes, when they are already included in this package. Just drag the component, change its style and use it. It is simple, fast and beautiful.

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Exclusive UI Kit PSD

UIKits.com released another great free UI Kit: Dark Bionic. It comes with some useful and trendy web elements for your next design. Beautiful free uikit for web and graphic designs exclusive download only from FreeUIKits.com

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Milky UI Kit

A beautiful and free UI Kit by incredibly talented Celegorm.

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Dark Chart UI Kit

Melissa Phillips offers this sharp-looking and unique chart UI kit for free.

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Impressionist UI Free – User Interface Pack

Impressionist UI has been created by Vladimir Kudinov and Sergey Shmidt for the web designers that don’t want to spend time on the creation of new elements. They can already find in all of these in this UI elements pack that can be modified and styled according to their needs.
We would have to mention the fact that the Impressionist UI Free kit contains PSD elements with rasterized layers, exactly as there are all the other free or paid UI packs.

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Pandora UI Free for iOS – User Interface Pack

DesignModo release a beautiful free Pandora UI Free Kit, contains 2 samples and some elements that can be used in developing iPhone and iPad applications (Retina Display). You will find the needed elements for the creation of these applications by using the included Control Elements and samples.

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Youtube UI Design Kit

Free elements for YouTube UI design.

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Orange user interface kit

Here is another unique ui kit I’ve never done before. This orange user interface kit includes everything from radio buttons and checkboxes to on/off gui switches and searchboxes. The kit is entirely vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always.

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Futurico – Free User Interface Elements Pack

Futurico – Free User Interface Components (PSD). We think that these are so far the greatest user interface components we have shared with you guys and we hope you will agree with us on this.

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Minimize UI Kit – Free PSD

This freebie is another great little addition to any graphic library, a very simple UI Kit. Layered PSD file is included and all elements are in vector format so you can re-scale if needed.

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Sticky Butterscotch UI Kit

Butterscotch User Interface kit for web and graphic designers. This ui kit includes everything from radio buttons and checkboxes to on/off GUI switches and search boxes. Everything is entirely vector and can be scaled to any size. It also includes a Photoshop PSD.

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Stylish User Interface Kit

This Stylish User Interface Kit is a cool set of everything UI toggles, sliders, progress bars, buttons, switches and social icons in three different colors.

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Cloudy UI Kit

Cloudy User Interface kit for web and graphic designers. This ui kit includes everything from radio buttons and checkboxes to on/off GUI switches, sliders, rating button and search boxes. It also includes a Photoshop PSD

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Beautiful Free Ui Kit

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Icon Deposit CSS3 UI Kit (PSD+CSS)

Here is the long awaited Icon Deposit CSS3 UI Kit. This includes everything from GUI switches and buttons, to radio buttons and checkboxes. I also included the Photoshop PSD file for those who want to edit the design or make the images bigger.

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Light UI Elements

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iPhone 4 GUI PSD (Retina Display)

iPhone 4 GUI PSD for Retina Display by Teehan + Lax. Pay what you like! This is an AWESOME PSD. If you’re using this consistently, we definitely recommend giving back to Teehan + Lax!

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Piou UI

A fresh, simple and soft UI with a bunch of components (buttons, scrollbars, dropdown, switchs, flags) in different states (normal, hover, disabled, selected, focused.

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Fresh UI Kit

This is probably the biggest UI Kit I did so far. This “Fresh UI Kit” includes everything from Media Player buttons, regular buttons, custom icon buttons, search boxes, On and Off switches and much more! Everything is all vector, and includes a Photoshop PSD like always, enjoy 🙂

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Mega UI Pack

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Sleek UI Elements

Whether you’re creating a website or mobile app, well designed UI elements are key to a good user experience. This PSD contains a number of useful elements in a modern, sleek style.

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Dark UI Kit by Alexandre Deschamps

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Here is my very first fully coded CSS3 UI Kit. This includes everything from a search box, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more! Everything is code.

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Clean UI Kit PSD

This extensive user interface kit contains a slew of varied graphic elements – buttons, toggles, search fields, sliders, labels, and much more. Everything ties in with a simple theme, and it’s a sleek start for your own app UI!

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Designer CSS UI Kit

This UI kit has been designed and hand-coded from scratch in HTML5 taking advantage of modern CSS3 techniques and includes a range of common user interface elements and font stacks, including: Buttons, menus, tabs, form elements and much more.

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