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190 Beautiful Vector Icons For Web and User Interface Designers

Today freebie is vector icons so far, 190 beautiful icons set for web and user interface design. These icons also use for app user interfaces. It includes all icons in PSD format, and the PNG files include the following sizes, 16×16. Each icon is a single Photoshop shape layer, meaning they can be scaled up and down without loss of quality. Adding layer styles and blend modes is also a breeze.

There are 190 free icons in the set and they can be used for both personal and commercial projects. Icons include: arrows. Google map pointer, address book, audio, battery, browser window, bulb, calender, camera,  iCloud, network, tool icons, eCommerce icons, credit card icons,  menu icons, navigation,  search, newspaper icons, outbox/inbox icons, terminal, video, wireless and zoom and more to ease creating such interfaces.

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Icons are the basic requirement of any web related projects and good icons are like a treasure for web designers. If you are looking for that perfect icon for your web site, blog, web app or application, you will find them here.

Free Vector Icons For Web & User Interface Design (Preview)

free vector icons for web and ui design

vector icons scalable view

The download available in .png and .psd formats.

License, Usage, and Sharing:

The icon font release at dribbble and design by Vaibhav Bhat. The icons are completely free for commercial and non-commercial usage. You cannot, however, modify, claim them to be your own, redistribute on another website and/or sell them for a profit. You should include a link to this page in your credits.

Download Free Vector Icons For Web and User Interface Designers (190 Icons)

Download the zip file with all icons follow the link below:
Photoshop Shapes Layer Format: https://c.purti.ca/Hs4t
Photoshop Shapes Layer Format:
PNG Format: 

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