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35 Flat Website Design Examples For Inspiration

Flat responsive website with clean design and beautiful modern layouts. Flat design websites and flat mobile UI design are the most trendy topic in last year 2013. In this year 2014 web design industry getting more exciting technologies same as HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Design, Long Shadow and Flat Design.

You may be interested in the following modern related articles as well.

Responsive Flat Website Designs

In this post we have gathered thirty five beautiful examples of Flat Design Website for your inspiration. All the these flat websites are created by professional web designers and web design agencies from all over the web.

Elodie & Jeremy

A one pager wedding invitation for Elodie and Jeremy.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Elodie & Jeremy

Themes Kingdom – Premium WordPress Themes

Themes Kingdom is a small group of dedicated Knights working hard around the table and the clock to make awesome WordPress themes.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Themes Kingdom


GO! EXPERIENCE DESIGN creates unique opportunities for people to interact with the world’s most iconic brands. A boutique agency backed by the global resources of Omnicom.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin


Portfolio of Tim Brack

Portfolio of Hamburg, Germany based freelance Art Director and UX/UI-Designer.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Portfolio of Tim Brack

Valio Con

Site for Valio Con 2014 – a conference for designers and makers.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Valio Con

Paper Tiger

Paper Tiger is a digital design agency based in New Jersey, United States.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Paper Tiger


Lytics is a customer data platform for customer-centric digital marketing.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin



35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin


Fixed Digital Agency

At Fixed we have a touch of everything you need to promote and position your product or service in a digital environment.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Fixed Digital Agency

Human Hubris

Human Hubris – For millions of years, on average, one species became extinct every century. We are now heaving more than a thousand different species of animals off the planet every year.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Human Hubris

I Will Change It

Tumblr portfolio of Visual Designer, Wunmi Atewologun.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

I Will Change It

Versett / WIKA Case Study

Case Study for an international temperature and pressure gauge company

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Versett / WIKA Case Study

Heather Lynn Photography

Portfolio site for Heather Lynn, a wedding, engagement and portrait photographer located in Houghton, Michigan.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Heather Lynn Photography

Selective Few

Selective Few offers an online store-guide that brings you closer to the independent boutiques, their curators and selection at the front lines of fashion. Once a month, each of our boutiques puts together a shoppable showcase that includes only their most unique new pieces. You’ll hear from the curators themselves, what their inspiration was in selecting each of the pieces & how to wear them.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Selective Few

Hello Monday

Hello Monday is a digital creative agency based in Aarhus, Denmark.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Hello Monday

Circles Conference

Circles Conference is a one page site for the annual conference held in Texas in the USA.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Circles Conference


Keynude is a ‘naked’ Keynote theme. You can download the theme buy paying with a tweet.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin


Font Walk

Font Walk is a one page micro site showcasing various font from the FontShop including – FF Mark, Dulce, Rolling, Pen, Mr Moustache and Kievit.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Font Walk


Unvael allows you to collect, collaborate and discover friends with your favorite people.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin


LS5 / Digitale Medien

The new portfolio site of LS5, a German based agency that designs and develops wonderful digital things.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

LS5 / Digitale Medien


New site of full service digital agency, Huge.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin


Flat VS Realism

FLATDESIGN vs REALISM. The epic battle in the digital world of 2013!

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Flat VS Realism

FLOV Creative Agency

A new portfolio site of FLOV Creative Agency

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

FLOV Creative Agency

Melanie F

Mélanie.F is a small French brand that manufactures slippers for children. She introduces you her new collection 2013/2014.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Melanie F


Pons Creative Group is a boutique design agency that specializes in Digital Marketing and Strategic Branding.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin



A personal portfolio site of Marco Grimaldi, an italian web and graphic designer

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin


A visual history of computing

A visual history of computing. Scroll back over the last 70 years to see how technology has developed.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

A visual history of computing


MYDesign is a one page multipurpose WordPress theme featuring a flat ui design. It is based on a 960px grid. Useful for the creative agency, freelancer or general business with a bunch of features included.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin


Brad Haynes

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Brad Haynes


Huxtaburger is a burger and cold beer chain based in Australia. The site features some nice bold color usage and illustration work.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin



Rockford is a very impressive fullscreen photography WordPress theme featuring a flat ui design style.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin


Adobe Muse CC

The new home for Adobe Muse CC.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Adobe Muse CC

Zachary Taylor

One page portfolio site for Zachary Taylor – a freelance web developer.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin

Zachary Taylor


Flatible is a minimal yet creative Singlepage Theme with full responsive layout Flatible is a perfect choice for small/personal websites such as portfolio, small company ,photography, blog, news etc.

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin



Duelmotion is a modern WordPress theme made to look awesome on any size of screen. Built with the latest technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and with SEO in mind it will help you get on top of Google Searches!

35 Flat Website Design Examples for Inspiratoin


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