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HTML5 Websites Design – 25 Inspiring Examples

An inspiring collection of websites using HTML5 markup. Last week we showcased responsive websites design and today we share modern web design using HTML5 and CSS3. In this collection you can see the Graphic design, web design, portfolio and corporate web design examples for inspiration.

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HTML5-CSS3 Websites Examples for Inspiration

You may also interested to check our earlier posted trendy HTML5 Web Designs and Responsive Web Design articles. In this collection we have twenty five examples of HTML5 websites. This is a collection of beautiful and inspiring web designs that feature only responsive design HTML5 and CSS3 websites.

Joshua Benedikt’s Online Portfolio

Joshua Benedikt's Online Portfolio

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Purple, Rock, Scissors

PRPL (Purple, Rock, Scissors) is a digital creative agency in Orlando, Florida that provides digital strategy, branding, and design services

Purple, Rock, Scissors

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CHRONOS Parallax HTML Template

Chronos is a professional template for any business or portfolio website, it’s animated and responsive design ready to look stunning on any device.

CHRONOS Parallax HTML Template

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Kaiser Sosa Portfolio

Portfolio of Alberto ‘Kaiser’ Sosa, a Freelance Rockstar Visual/UI Designer from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Kaiser Sosa Portfolio

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What a lovely way to present an upcoming apartment block. The one pager features beautiful animal illustrations with a subtle parallax effect as your scroll down. ‘Denning’ is a future green apartment dwelling in Seattle’s Beacon Hill neighborhood.


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Quechua – Look Book Spring Summer 14

Discover the new Lookbook Spring/Summer 14 of Quechua through interactive videos. We worked in collaboration with Ores who made videos direction.

Quechua – Look Book Spring Summer 14

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Set up in July 1995, GANG FILMS is one of the top-ranking advertising production companies in Europe.


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The Devil’s Toy Redux

Produced by the NFB, The Devil’s Toy Redux is a tribute to Claude Jutra’s film Rouli-Roulant (The Devil’s Toy). The project brings together the work of 14 filmmakers.

The Devil's Toy Redux

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Elastica’s CloudSOC solution enables IT and security professionals to audit, detect, investigate, and protect sensitive business data in cloud-based services, prevent malware attacks, avoid shadow IT, and ensure compliance with corporate and regulatory policies.


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Wilson Sideral

Wilson Sideral

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Mother’s Pride Preschool

Mother’s Pride is where love blossoms. Love is the foundation of mother’s pride. It is what helped it grow and keeps it going. Each branch of mother’s pride is like a castle of joy where… Mothers Pride is a leading preschool with close to 100 branches in and outside India.

Mother's Pride Preschool

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Beagle Ship

Beagle Ship has the EVOLUTION as main value, which means, for us, much more than a change of a condition to another or the natural adaptation. Evolution means to make things better.

Beagle Ship

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HPPR Agency

They create connections and are really great at storytelling about both brands and people. Because everyone is worthy of love, you just need to get to know each other better sometimes

HPPR Agency

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Mobee is a innovative car-sharing service based on the principle of free floating.




Immersive Website, based on a scrolling navigation to discover features and fonctionnality of 4N watches.


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CanalSat Series

“ALL SERIES that YOU will LIKE WHEN YOU WANT AND AS YOU WANT.”A website allowing the general public to appreciate the quality and diversity of genres offered by CanalSat.

CanalSat Series

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Nike — Energize Your Recovery

Nike is introducing its first product specifically designed to assist the recovery process, the Nike Pro Combat Recovery Hypertight, which features advanced compression innovation.

Nike — Energize Your Recovery

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Like a mother bird sitting on a precious eggs on the quiet. Like a migrant bird flying to his destination straightforwardly. Like a singing bird twitting in the forest. Wish new born ideas take wings boldly and beautifully.


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Pound & Grain

Pound & Grain is a digital creative agency located in Vancouver, Canada. We create digitally led experiences for brands wanting to make users happy.

Pound & Grain

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Dropr: The easy online portfolio

Dropr is the easiest online portfolio, creative network and a social media manager. Share your design, illustration, photography, music and other creative work.

Dropr: The easy online portfolio

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A Trip Out to Sea

THIS IS INCREDIBLE”@wtrfyffe – “SO well done!”@JAMESJOSEPH66 – “I learned my lesson”@GabrielTupper – Absolutely terrifying”@Renattaism – “literally breathtaking!”@Senta_Phyllis

a trip out to sea

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Education Above All

A long page style that combines an attractive design with advanced technological solutions. The result is an emotional, immersive experience delivering fast access to rich content.

Education Above All

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Agency Survival Kits

Advertising agencies frequently deal with little disasters that, more often than not, could be avoided or at least contained. Overtime, a power outage or a surprise presentation… Which is why Phoenix, the Creative Studio, decided to create a collection of survival kits to help agencies get through these kinds of situations. We can also help you with your design, marketing and web development needs. I guess you could say that we are the survival kit to making your projects successful.

Agency Survival Kits

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This is a digital portfolio of Prague based digital Art director and Digital-Graphic designer Marek Suchanek aka CREATIVE KNIGHT. TRUE CRAFT — NO LIES.


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The Legendary Posters

A Tumblr gallery built from the ground up to display and celebrate Wieden+Kennedy Amsertdam’s Heineken Legendary Posters Campaign, with some sweet, buttery transitions in the mix

The Legendary Posters

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