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The Importance Of Data Backup and Data Recovery

Data loss is a serious and grave problem that affects millions of people everywhere all across the globe. Irrespective of the computer operating systems (Windows, Linux, and Mac) and the mobile operating programs like Android, iOS, Windows etc, data loss is evident and takes place on a regular basis. This becomes extremely challenging when you have an ongoing business to operate and apart from it data loss is also very tedious at the personal level as well.

What causes the data loss?

Through years of experience I have come up with the conception that the causes of data loss can be categorized into five main reasons. What are those?

  1. Human error where you accidently modify, overwrite or delete the data without even knowing about it.
  2. Often due to file corruptions that include virus attacks, software error etc, and data might get permanently lost.
  3. Due to power failure, natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, fire, lightning etc.
  4. You lose all the information when your computer or mobile phone is stolen
  5. Hardware issues like the CPU, drive and controller failure can also cause the permanent loss of data.

If you closely analyze the above mentioned points, I am sure you won’t disagree with me from any angle. The next time when your system suffers from any loss of data and files, you should definitely consider one of the above mentioned causes.

Comparing the two most powerful and popular operating system related to data loss and data recovery: MAC and Windows PC

Whether you have a PC with either Mac or Windows operating system, the reasons of data loss is the same but there backup and recovery methods and ways are different. This is mainly because of the distinct nature and the attributes of the two separate operating systems.

How do you backup your data and information on your Windows PC?

You will require two things:

  1. a hard drive
  2. software

You should use a hard drive preferably an external one to store all the files and data that are extremely important to you and that you simply cannot afford to lose. The hard drive that you use must be of the same or of the greater capacity than the computer or any other device. There are various kinds of software available in the market today that can help you in retrieving the lost data. You must use any one of the products that Microsoft ships with the system itself or else you also have the option to download a third party app.

What about lost data recovery on MAC PC?

The same applies to the MAC PC as well where you need the two most vital things: a hard drive and data recovery software. In case of the hard drive you should make sure that you are using a secondary drive of equal or greater potential to store all the important data. Regarding the software you have to ensure you grab some third party vendors or else you can also avail the resin and croon options. These are basically the in-built attributes in the MAC OS and are convenient more for those who are UNIX savvy.

Infographic : How to backup important data on Mac and PC

What are the 5 steps to avoid while recovering data from your system?

  1. Avoid restarting the device.
  2. Don’t try to save any files and documents.
  3. Starting or running a new program is a big no.
  4. Compressing the email files is strictly prohibited.
  5. You should not install any new program.

You might think that only backup will execute the work for you and keep all your documents and files safe and secured. But if you don’t think about the recovery part at all, it is actually a waste of your time and money. Henceforth, it becomes clear that in order to prevent the permanent loss of your files and documents from your computer or mobile device go for the combo of data file and recovery.

How can you recover the data loss safely and easily?

iSkysoft Data Recovery endows with four recovery modes namely

  1. Lost Data Recovery
  2. Raw Data Recovery
  3. Partition Recovery
  4. Resume Recovery

Do you still worry about your lost videos and music? Forget about all your worries as these can recover all your lost documents, video, photos, music, even archive files and many more.

A mode which allows recovering the data that is lost accidently as result of deleting it accidently by emptied trash, command Delete the “Lost Data Recovery.”

Recovery of files using the file signature and deeper scan can be accomplished with the “Raw Recovery “mode which can recover up to 50 different types of files with the extensions like JPG, PNG, MOV, MP3, M4V, ZIP and so on.

When the “Partition Recovery” on the main interface is clicked, the desired disk is chosen and the Search Partition is clicked on the top to initiate scanning formatted, lost, corrupted and resized partitions.

Does your scanning a lengthy process?  In between the scanning, if you wish to close the computer the resume recovery and scan results can be saved by either clicking the Stop or Pause button and later on click the Save Scan Info to save to the computer a *res file.  In order to resume that previous recovery, you can choose the “Resume recovery” that is present in the primary window to import the results from the *res file.  This will enable you to perform and preview the data recovery from the scanning results saved earlier.

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