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$2000 Giveaway From Gridgum For Submitting Your Responsive Themes

Gridgum is a new marketplace that aims to supply you with the best responsive themes and templates available. This marketplace chooses to achieve quality over quantity and assures users that all themes available for purchase are not only responsive, but also eye catching and memorable.

Gridgum offers themes and templates developed with a wide variety of frameworks from Bootstrap, to Foundation, Gumby, Skeleton or even your very own framework for developing responsive themes. The marketplace offers WordPress and Bootstrap themes and also Admin Panels for people who are shopping for their new website.

Of course, you can’t expect to collect some of the best responsive themes available without attracting top-notch developers to your marketplace. To this end, Gridgum is hosting what they’re calling The Mammoth June $2000 giveaway. All themes submitted and approved by June 30th 2014 are eligible to participate in this giveaway as long as they fit the following criteria:

1. They have to follow the submission guidelines defined by Gridgum;

2. They have to show high quality and be visually memorable;

3. In order for a theme to eligible, the item must be approved;

4. The item must be kept online on Gridgum marketplace for at least 6 months after it has been accepted;

…and a few others, read more here:

The Big $2000 Giveaway

All you have to do in order to participate is sign up , or log in, if you’ve already published some of your work on Gridgum, and submit your theme now. The moment your theme is approved, you’re in the running.

Now, about prizes.

First, Gridgum is offering $100 for the first 10 developers who submit their themes. Developers must be submitting a theme to the Gridgum marketplace for the first time, developers who have already published their work on this marketplace are still eligible for the other prizes.

Second, the theme with the best Admin panel gets $250. Third, the developer who has submitted the best WordPress theme will receive $250. And last, but not least, the best overall theme will get its creator a prize of $500. Both exclusive and non-exclusive themes are eligible for the first three prizes, but for this last prize only Gridgum exclusive themes are in the running.

All winners will be announced within 30 of the closing of the contest and the prizes will be received via PayPal.

So, why don’t you give it a shot, maybe your theme will get picked and there is a high chance of winning $100 especially if you are new to the marketplace. Head over to Gridgum right now, register and upload your theme and, after it gets approved, wait to see if you’re one of the lucky winners.

Gridgum new responsive themes marketplace

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