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Graphic Designers 10 Best Friends

Why high-tech gadgets are required at all for graphic designing- A graphic designer must not only have knowledge to design something. Neither will a highly creative mind help in any manner to work unless one has proper gadgets to work with.

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Some of the latest gadgets that will change the graphics designing are:

iPad from Apple

iPad for Graphic Designers

No, the designer will not use this to design graphics. This will be used to understand how the design will look when it is on the screen. Generally PC monitor would not be to show certain flaws because of the angel from which it is to be used. More importantly the iPad is helpful to make sketches and note down some details. It is a device that usually remains with a person most of the time. The I pad helps him to note down all the thoughts that he suddenly have. The I pad is note book to sketch down thought and also a working platform to make small changes.

The cool bamboo Stylus Duo

bamboo Stylus Duo Digital Pen for Designers

It is like a digital pen, it works very well on certain devices. It is the ideal thing to sketch, it the designer the feel of using a pen but it gives the image a digital touch. It is best for adding minute details to heavy designs. The best part is that you do not have to sit in one place to do that highly difficult work. To add to the fun, you would find that some software have an auto correction facility that would help in auto correction, this means that if you are not the best artist you can still try to use this device and end up drawing perfectly.

The fast Buffalo drive station DDR

Buffalo drive station DDR External Harddrive

A external hardware may just be the solution to all the caching problems. With a 3TB storage capacity and 1 GB RAM, the hard drive is a perfect storage device and also helps to enhance the speed. Now this is called a perfect combination. Having a spate source of power but being capable of being connected by USB, this device is certainly must for designers. Store as much as you like without any hassle.

The optimus popularis keyboard

Optimus popular is keyboard for designers

Having different styles and Cyrillic keys. From representing different musical notes to drawing a face. This keyboard can do it all. If typography is a part of the design, then this device is a must for the designers.

Nikon D5300

Nikon D5300 for Designers

A cost effective DLSR, along with Yifi seems to be very handy if clicking pictures is in the schedule for designing the image. It is lovable and affordable.

Wacom Cintiq 24 Hd

Wacom Cintiq 24 Hd

It is a very large tablet and can be used in any way you like. Use it like a PC, or a note pad while lying on the bed. His device has got it all. It is very versatile in its performance. It works best with the Bamboo stylus duo.

The bamboo pad

The bamboo pad for Graphic Designers

it is perhaps the better and cost effective half of the bamboo stylus. It comes in both wireless and wired forms. It is touching sensitive and hence allows the use of a little more creativity.


Excellent tool for Vector Graphcis

Excellent for doing the vector outworks this device is mostly preferred by those with a little lesser budget.

Epson Artisan 1430

Epson Artisan 1430 Very useful for printing designs

Very useful for printing designs. Not always the soft copy is capable of doing the work. When it comes to getting a hard copy this device is the ultimate solution.

Epson Expression Scanner

Epson Expression Scanner

Highly useful for scanning objects and getting the perfect details out of them. This is just the best device to turn a hard copy into a softcopy format.

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