Written by 9:48 pm Wordpress

Top Myths about WordPress Development That You Should Never Follow

The advent of several web-based technologies has made website development process quite easier. If we talk about WordPress, then this name needs no introduction as it is one of the most eminent Content Management System (CMS) in the world. Further, the best thing about WordPress is even a novice can use and maintain a website developed in WordPress.

Despite knowing the benefits of using WordPress, there is no shortage of such people who believe on hearsay and nurse the illusion for this fantastic CMS platform. As a result, they disregard the use of WordPress but later on, they realize they did a big business gaffe.

In this blog, I am going to uncover some top rumors about WordPress website development that can badly hit the businesses.

First, take a look at these impressive stats that describes the influence of WordPress.

  • According to Wikipedia, around 23.3 percent of the top 10 million websites use WordPress (as of January 2015).
  • Brands like Xerox, Coca-Cola, eBay, McDonalds, Sony, and many such others use WordPress for their businesses. (Source)
  • As per DMR, around 409 million people visit and view WordPress blogs in search of information.
  • WordPress has been translated into 40 languages which mean it offers great flexibility for companies to allow their readers read in their native language. (Source)

Now, here mentioning some top myths that you should never follow:-

WordPress Is Not For Ecommerce Websites

WordPress for eCommerce

Ever since its launch, people used to consider WordPress as a blogging tool. But, the reality is WordPress is a full-fledged CMS that can make this platform ideal for businesses too.

Also, those who consider that they can’t create a full-featured eCommerce website through WordPress are completely wrong. It’s a myth, and you should never follow it for the best interest of your business.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, eCommerce giants like eBay use WordPress because it offers all the customization features that are necessarily needed to create a high performing eCommerce website.

Various WordPress plugins are available that you can use to create an online store for your business in the way you want.

WordPress is Less Secure

WordPress Secure - Security

Another famous myth is WordPress is less secure, but it is not a real fact. I don’t know, how people conclude that it is less secure. Maybe they wonder that WordPress is an open source and available free to use, thus, it is insecure. People often measures quality with the price, but this notion is not true, especially in the case of WordPress.

WordPress offers impeccable security and a safe environment for their users. In addition to it, you can use security plugins like BulletProof Security, All-in-one WP security and Firewall, and several others to prevent attacks from hackers and viruses.

WordPress is for Small Business

Wordpress for business organizations

Another myth that is trending across the market and misleading several reputed organizations is, WordPress is for small businesses only but it is not a true fact.

I have highlighted some prominent brand names that are using WordPress for their businesses. Moreover, names like Walt Disney, Best Buy, and some well-reputed universities are using WordPress.

WordPress Gives No Support

WordPress Support

Companies often believe WordPress provides no support for free themes/templates. Well, it’s a misconception, and if you believe this myth, then you will not get the advantage of this fantastic CMS platform. WordPress is the outcome of the years of dedication and hard work. It is the platform that has made development and maintenance easier.

There are plenty of forums and online communities that provide support at no cost. So, whenever you feel like stuck, you can approach to these communities and forums.

WordPress Plugins Are Not Reliable

WordPress Plugins Are Reliable and Secure

Reliability points towards security and a rumor that is trending across the market are WordPress plugins are not secure to use, which is totally wrong. WordPress offers thousands of plugins to empower websites with different features. However, choosing the appropriate one is up to the admin. Before choosing any plugin, it’s better to go through the ratings and reviews. Further, timely updating of plugins is pretty crucial.

WordPress plugins are secure and written in compliance with coding standards. Additionally, WordPress platform offers excellent review system that allows users to flag any problems they face.

WordPress Websites Not Fit for Attaining High Traffic

WordPress for high traffic websites

I have often heard that WordPress sites cannot attain high traffic. They say that sites on WordPress get offline when there’s too much traffic but it is not that so. However, the truth is that sites get offline not due to CMS but because of hosting and other technical issues.

To solve security and performance based issues, you can host your website on a trusted and secured server.  Aside from this, you have to admit a fact that you won’t get flexibility like WordPress from anywhere else when it comes to maintaining your website.

You might not know but some giant reputed companies like Time Magazine, TechCrunch, Forbes, and many others are using WordPress while also attaining the tremendous amount of traffic without any glitch.

Summing Up

WordPress website development

The points mentioned above unveil some famous myths about WordPress website development. Don’t believe these myths, if you want to get an exceptional business advantage. Further, a famous proverb fits perfect in this scenario “Never judge a book by its cover.” Did you like list myth-busting post, don’t forget to share your valuable comments.

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