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What are the 10 jQuery Plugins for creating flip effects?

jQuery, as most of us know, is a JavaScript library that assists in the client-side HTML scripting process. As such, jQuery happens to be the most popular JavaScript library that is usedby developers in the world.

Not so long ago, Adobe’s Flash was the ultimate tool that was used for the creation of many effects by developers. However, these days, such implementation seems to have come to a near end, considering that several scripting languages can be used for the implementation of such effects.

One such effect that we shall talk about today is the flip effect. Keeping that in mind we shall talk about ten jQuery plug-ins that will allow us to create flip effects, besides helping us in the creation of engaging, good looking and interactive experience for users. The plug-ins mentioned here is known to offer flip effects to text, images, clock, galleries or just any DOM element.

flipLightBox jQuery Plugin

flipLightBox jQuery Plugin

Being a free jQuery plug-in, flipLightBox is perhaps one of the most popular among plug-ins that are used for flip effects. This Responsive Lightbox plug-in is also pretty easy n terms of implementation. Furthermore, it does not require the usage of additional scripts, libraries or even stylesheets. One of the primary features that this plug-in is known to offer is that of an optional flip effect on the opening or closing of any lightbox.

flipGallery jQuery Plugin

flipGallery jQuery Plugin

Another free jQuery plug-in, flipGallery happens to be a photo gallery that offers flipping translations between thumbnails and lightbox enlargements. It also includes several other impressive features such as auto cropping, auto pagination, dynamic streaming, transparent image overlay, etc. Besides this, it is also relatively easy to setup and a number of properties, such as co-ordination, layout and speed, can be altered as per choice by using settings.

Flip jQuery Plugin

Flip jQuery Plugin

Flipboard is a pretty popular app that offers content and allows users to browse through the app in a flip style manner. In this regard, Flip happens to be the apt jQuery/jQuery Mobile plug-in that can be used for implementing Flipboard-like effects. Flip is known to make use of CSS 3d transform and is presently known to work with WebKit browsers, like Chrome, Safari, or Firefox 11 version. This plug-in is also known to work with other browsers.

Wordy jQuery Plugin

Wordy jQuery Plugin

A very simple jQuery plug-in, Wordy.js is largely meant for the rotation and flipping of text that is written in Coffee Script. While it was largely inspired by anther plug-in that goes by the name of Adjector.js, Wordy.js offers the same features, along with several new additional ones. For example, you can set animations making use of the animations collections and set your callback on content flipping, besides a lot more.

Turn JS jQuery Plugin

Turn JS jQuery Plugin

Implementing all the important features of HTML5, Turn.js is a JavaScript library that can be used for turning content to look like a magazine or that of a real book. As the web gets better and more beautiful with the advent of several new interfaces that make use of HTML5, Turn.js can be said to be the best there is for any book, catalogue or magazine style implementation.

imBookFlip jQuery Plugin

imBookFlip jQuery Plugin

This jQuery plug-in can be used for loading of a book directly on a page or in an iframe. imBookFlip allows the books pages to be turned in numerous ways. One can manually tuen pages by just a click. Another option is to start auto flip (auto turning) when the HTML page loads completely. The third option is to begin the auto flip process when the first page is clicked. Making use of the Sound Manager feature, one can also add audio to a book.

QuickFlip 2 jQuery Plugin

QuickFlip 2 jQuery Plugin

Working by the use of an animation shortcut that is barely noticeable when flipped, QuickFlip is another popular jQuery plug-in meant for flip effects. The shortcut is known to improve the performance, at the same time, allowing the slip to work smoothly. It can be implemented in any element, be it backgrounds, images or any CSS elements.

Flip Quote jQuery Plugin

Flip Quote jQuery Plugin

The Flip Quote jQuery plug-in can be used for pulling a quite from an original text quote found in a document, and then flipping it to reveal the quote when it is scrolled into view.Besides, there is also a click feature that may be used forscrolling into and then highlighting the origin of the quote in the actual document.

Rotate3Di jQuery Plugin

Rotate3Di jQuery Plugin

This is another jQuery plug-in,which basically allows for the flipping of HTML content in 3D.This plug-in makes it possible to do a 3D rotation or an isometric 3D flip for any element in HTML. The user can also set custom 3D animations for rotation.

Countdown jQuery Plugin

Countdown jQuery Plugin

Countdown can be said to be a very simple jQuery plug-in that can be used for the creation of a mechanical scoreboard style timer for countdown. It is generally used for the display of the remaining time with respect to a particular date. The display can be in terms of days, hours, minutes and seconds.


As already mentioned, the use of jQuery to implement several animations on the web pages is pretty common these days. The above-mentioned jQuery plug-ins can assist you in implementing flip effects in a very simple and effective manner.

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