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10 Social Media Trends For 2017

Social media, the most trending thing on the internet and is progressing on its way very speedily. Every hour, minute and second there is a new trend in social media and it changes rapidly. Major trends occur within a year and many new take their place. These changes mostly involve upgrade of social media websites, the market place of a particular social media website, its rating, its business promotion, members joining and increasing its user’s growth and much more. This blog will discuss the top 10 trends in social media that will take place in 2017.

1. Trends in the usage of Social Media

Usage of Social Media in 2017

If we look few years back we can notice a gradual rise in the usage of social media. You can probably say that if we draw a pretty straight line to show its increasing usage from past few years then this will show you the reality of usage of social media. And this usage will not decrease in 2017 either. There is a 100% increasing chance in the usage of social media. As you know human is a social animal and websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc have become a necessity for everybody whether anyone uses it for its business promotion, for developing connections or for entertainment.

2. Vast variety for the brands to promote their business

Brands to promote on social media in 2017

As we all know that social media is way more than just an entertainment, the online shopping trend and online advertisements have got a lot of progress just because of social media. And this trend is increasing day by day as every brand is linking itself to social media websites in order to promote its business. This trend will not stop in 2017 either but will help to provide a lot of options to the business market to run the market in more appropriate and successful way. In 2017 the business market will reach a high mark with the help of different options introduce by social media websites to promote the business and boost its output.

3. Trending Facebook Network in 2017

Trending Social Network in 2017

Facebook social media network with all its other social media websites like Instagram, Kick and Whatsapp etc will trend to rise in 2017 with introduction of several upgrades. In 2017 Instagram will become the second most used social media website according to many researches around the world.

4. Merging of LinkedIn with Microsoft

Merging of LinkedIn with Microsoft

The cooperation between LinkedIn and Microsoft will create a revolution in social media in 2017. This trend will be the most effective one as it will provide a lot of benefit to marketers. In 2017, your professional profile of LinkedIn may also make its way to Microsoft 365 apps which will make a very interesting way to access your profile.

5. Trending Real-Time Videos

Trending Real-Time Videos

Real-time video is the biggest trend now a days as many social media website like SnapChat, Kick and Facebook etc has introduced this trend but in 2017 this trend will also be accessible to the business market as well which will help business brands a lot to go live to promote their business any time they want.

6. Trends in the advertisements of business

Social Media Advertising Trends 2017

Many social media websites’ ‘pay to play’ option will make its mark to generate revenue of $11 billion by 2017. This gradual rise is social advertising will be expanded in 2017 and many social media websites will upgrade their advertising policies in 2017 to give further progress to social advertising.

7. Mobile Traffic

Mobile traffic data analystic

Mobile traffic, now-a-days, has increased a lot and it has now left computer traffic way back in the past. In 2017 nearly 2 billion members are supposed to use their social media websites with their smart phones eventually making a remarkable rise in mobile traffic. Computer traffic although will not fall as much as expected and will remain more or less a constant throughout the year.

8. Aiding and supporting programs trend

Aiding and supporting programs trend

Trend of aiding and supporting programs is now introduced and is considered the biggest advantage of social media, these programs are helping NGO’s to help and aid people in an effective way and this trend will definitely have a successful rise in 2017 too.

9. Trends in photography for social media

High resolution Photography Trend in 2017

As we all know that social media is largely surrounded with photos and there is a huge trend in photos starting with high resolution to 4k prints and this trend will not stop either and would seem to be upgraded with some new technology in 2017.

10. The You-Tube Channels Trend

The You-Tube Channels Trend

People are earning thousands of dollars through You-Tube channels and this trend has seen a big rise in past few years and it has no intention of stopping – it is speculated to reach its peaks in 2017 and to be a prominent source of income for many people!

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