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Logo Design Trends and Strategy Guide for 2017

Branding strategy plays a fundamental part in an organization’s achievement in today’s focused and competitive markets. Your organization brand is not only a name or image; it speaks to the association with your purchaser. Making solid brand value is critical to position yourself in the business sector and make consumer awareness, whether you are an entrepreneurial start-up, little, medium or huge endeavor. What’s more, your organization Logo is the building block on which your whole branding is based upon. From the organization website, visiting cards, newsletters and stationery to packaging materials, pamphlets, and promotional materials, the logo unites every one of them to give a face to your brand.

Logo Design Trends 2017

There are a few organizations out there that believe that outlining a logo is as basic as slapping together some shape or type. In any case, there is quite a lot more to designing a decent logo than just that. A great effort goes into designing a great logo design. A logo may appear like an insignificant detail to make, it speaks to a whole organization or the brand, and should pass on personality, qualities, and more. You can’t consider it only a small design work. It can be the most imperative design an organization has, and one that aide’s future plan and branding choices. With the help of the following strategic guide for look design, you will be able to learn the steps essential for making a great logo for your own particular company or a potential client:

Understand the Brand

Understand the Brand guideline for logo

One of the most important guideline for logo design is to understand the brand. The logo should reach a particular group of audience and when planning, you should remember this. Write what you think about the brand; maybe even make a mood board with the help of pictures that helps you to remember the brand’s ideology. Be careful about becoming motivated by just aesthetics rather than deeper significance. Furthermore, investigating other visual brands can be useful; however, the logo designers should be mindful not to take the inspirations in a literal sense. Any logo work must be unique and guide directly back to your customer’s unique image attributes.

Try not to rely on Trends

Don't follow the trends! Follow the classic design rules

Rather than inclining toward what’s in trend, concentrate on classic design rules and construct something that keeps going. You’ll need a solid design that conveys your uniqueness in the most straightforward way. The trends rapidly go back and forth in logo design, which can leave your corporate personality looking obsolete just about before it’s taken off. Since your design work’s lifespan is naturally lessened because of it being of the time and not ageless, you’ll need to constantly follow the trends, see what’s hot, reevaluate your style, learn new strategies that you may not be into, and on top of that make new designs to supplant the obsolete ones. This logo design trends guideline will help you make better logos.

The Color Strategy

Color Strategy for Brand

Every color has a different importance and gives different sorts of feelings. While designing the logo, it is critical to comprehend which color confers the right feeling of your brand image and what is the best mix that would work just right for you. In the business sector, it is an identity mark and you are known by that specific color alongside your logo.

Thin Line & Hand-Drawn

Thin Line & Hand-Drawn Logo Concept

Technology is on the top of the trends, but still there is plenty of space for some more traditional forms or design which we can follow in 2017. The food and beverages industries still place their bets on logos mainly designed with line-art or even hand-drawn, so don’t be afraid to try something like this.

CocaCola Logo

Just make sure that they will work well online, have in mind that they are usually black, and that, depending on the client, you will be allowed to be more playful – and yet, don’t try to be over creative: you have a marketing goal to consider above any artistic expectations you might have.

Don’t Over Innovate

Think outside the box

Everything has its own offer of limits. You innovation capacities unquestionably are boundless, yet their functional utilization is regularly a casualty of the innovation experimentation outcomes that are provided to any product. The excess of experimentation can bring about a logo that is lovely to look at however is not identifiable with the organization itself.

Your point ought to be to make the logo both identifiable and effectively connected with the brand. Your design ought to be something the clients can learn to distinguish and the organization can ‘own’. If you can do that, your logo design will be a win and independent of it being non-exclusive or imaginative.

Pick Your Fonts Wisely

Fonts for corporate and expert brand

Individuals have certain sentiments, responses, and connections when they see certain colors. What you may not comprehend is that they have a parallel response to text styles also. The main thing you need to do with a specific end goal to pick a textual style is to frame a strong imprint in your brain about how you need your group of audience to respond to the content.

If you have a more corporate and expert brand, you’d need to go with something more customary, for example, serif fonts or something to embed trust and affirmation in your customers! Simply recollect that custom fonts guarantee that your novel logo will remain as such.


Everybody wants to put their own engrave on things yet in some cases it is much more critical to recognize the fact that not all things should be overhauled and reformed. The logo is the most significant visual part of your brand, so remember the above strategic guidelines for logo design while designating your branding plan and enlisting experts.

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