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Imprint Methods: Know the Options for Your Project

A printer’s work is never done. They’re constantly trying to help clients create the best print designs possible—but that’s pretty hard to do when the client has no idea what they’re talking about. Some printers take the time to educate their clients, but others will print a design knowing that the options you’ve selected aren’t going to work.

You can save time—and money—at the printer if you brush up on the basics of how to choose the right imprint method. This three-part guide to imprint methods\ is designed to help you understand what your printer is saying and teach you the best options to use for any project.

Of course, you won’t learn all there is to know about the printing industry in one sitting. That’s why it’s important to ask for help when you need it—and who better to provide it than an experienced printer? You connect with Company Folders, the creator of this guide, to learn more about their services.

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