Apple has launched iPhone X, a new smartphone in iPhone family on iPhone’s 10th anniversary. iPhone X is the first smartphone to feature a new edge-to-edge design. There is also an all new Super Retina resolution, a reinforced glass design and support for wireless charging.
The handset has a cutting-edge Super Retina OLED screen, measuring 5.8 inches diagonally across. In new iPhone X the home button has been completely replaced. The large touch screen, combined with the new iOS 11 software, enables users to simply swipe up from the foot of the screen at any time to return to the Home screen. The iPhone X sports the A11 Bionic chip, which has six cores and is the most powerful chip yet in a smartphone, according to Apple. more about iPhone X.
After launching the iPhone X, designers created amazing iPhone X Mockups and Sketch for presentation. So I decided to gathered high-res PSD mockups and sketch templates for designers and developers. There are only high-quality iPhone X Mockup templates, you can free download and used in commercial or personal projects.
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iPhone X Mockup Templates – Free Download
There are different style and perspectives iPhone X mockups included in this collection such as Isometric Mockup, Sketch Mockup, Light and Dark Vector Illustrated iPhone X Mock-ups. Fully customizable and functional Photoshop PSD Mockups for commercial and personal use.
iPhone X Mockup
Envato Elements
Gorgeous looking iPhone X mockups that offers a multitude of angles and backgrounds. Ideal if you want to cut it up in to transparent PNG’s and animate them in After Effects.
iPhone X Mockups
Envato Elements
High resolution iPhone X mockups offer easy editing via smart objects in 4 PSD files. 300 dpi in 4000 x 2650 px size, includes separated objects and shadows, changeable backgrounds (color and texture) and an instruction guide.
iPhone X Mockup
Envato Elements
Looking for an iPhone X mockup with 4 image options and fully customizable results, including a shot with hands? Look no further than this set featuring a dark background desk top, air pods, watch, mouse, and much more.
iPhone X – 4K Mockups
Envato Elements
This iPhone X mockup offers a simple look and feel with well-layered PSD files, smart objects, and separate object and shadow layers. Customize the background with coordinated colors and overlays to complete the look and you’re done!
iPhone X Clay Mockup
Envato Elements
Check out this simple, clean, modern iPhone X mockup set in 4k resolution! Created with Cinema4D and Photoshop, you can’t get a much cleaner, more simple layout than this.