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How to Find and Hire The Perfect Freelance Logo Designer for Your Business

It’s not always easy to find the ideal freelancer for your business. It’s especially hard when we’re talking about design, such as when you’re looking for a logo designer.

In this article, you’ll find out how to not just find and approach freelance logo designers but also hire and make them part of your team. However, let’s first go through the reasons why you’ll need someone like that in your business.

Benefits of Hiring a Freelance Logo Designer

While some newbie digital entrepreneurs and website owners try to cut costs as much as possible in the first few years of business, they eventually realize the importance of professional services. That could be copywriting, coding, graphic design, and more.

Hiring a freelancer logo designer

Investing to hire an expert (even if it’s for a one-time project) will pay off in the long run. By allowing specialists to do what they are good at, you make sure your online business (or brick and mortar with online presence) will stand out and be taken seriously in your field.

When it comes to design, however, you shouldn’t even think about skipping any aspect of this, especially your logo. It’s one of the most important elements of your brand identity. It can help you form a stronger connection with your customers, be recognized in your industry, and convey your message more effectively.

Logos are often the first thing people see on your website, app or online store. So it must look awesome if you want to create a great first impression.

Every brand is telling a story. And that too should be involved in the design of your logo. With the right freelance logo designer, you can create one with a concept behind it.

What’s more, only an expert can help you make it look good on all devices, combine the right colors, or let you know when what you have in mind doesn’t correspond with your brand voice.

Over time, your logo will build credibility. It’s also a step towards being better than your competitors, as not all of them would have done this right.

Now that you know why professional logo design can help you, your brand and business move forward and establish a name for yourself, let’s see how to find the perfect designer.

Finding The Ideal Freelance Logo Designer

1. Look for an individual, not an agency

Look for an individual

First, assuming you’re not a huge organization and need one logo design, we suggest you look for a freelancer, instead of an agency. There are a few reasons why that’s a good idea.

For a start, it’s much cheaper. Agencies often have packages that cost quite a lot. Freelancers, however, have negotiable rates.

Second, you can get to know the person a bit before you start working together. It’s key to have the right people with you when making changes to your brand identity. You need to express your ideas, describe your vision, show them how this fits into the big picture. And contract workers are always open to chat about it for as long as it takes or hop on a call.

2. Find your logo designer on platforms for freelancers

Find your logo designer on platforms for freelancers

The next step is to go where such freelancers have profiles. That’s marketplaces created to gather employers and freelancers and let them collaborate.

You simply post a job describing what you want, receive proposals and go through each carefully. Sometimes, that can be enough to have someone ready to work for you in just a few hours.

However, it’s also possible to check the Design category in the Jobs section and go through the profiles of the best freelancers. You’ll be able to see their portfolio, pricing, and more. Once you find the right one, message them to start a conversation and see if they are available.

3. Check their previous work

Logo Designer Portfolio

Keep in mind that someone can sound professional when texting, but that doesn’t mean they’ve been in the business long enough. Many freelancers are just starting out and try to land their first clients. While some of them might indeed be good in their job, you probably want to invest your money in a professional with experience of at least a few years.

Usually, a good freelancer will have filled everything in their profile. So check previous projects, look for feedback from other clients, read their description. Good logo designers most often have their own website, as that itself is a big enough portfolio.

Find it and take a look. There they present their best projects from the past and showcase testimonials. But you can also get to read their story on the About page to get an idea of what kind of person you’re going to work with.

4. Set the right expectations for the project


A possible mistake you can make is not describing your expectations and vision for the project clearly enough. Some people rush that phase and then expect the freelance logo designer to deliver exactly what they’ve had in mind. But that doesn’t usually happen.

That’s why these first chats and video calls you have are crucial. Not only should you explain what you want from the person, but you should then ask questions to see if they understood everything.

Also, you can monitor them and stay in touch while they are working on the logo, to make sure they are in the right direction.

Be careful with the legal and financial part too. Hopefully, you’ll be using a trusted platform like FreelanceMyWay or GraphicDesignJunction to work with the person. It’s important to keep the conversation going on the website and to make payments there too. That will happen quickly and safely thanks to the secure payment system of the site.

Legal and financial

Keep in mind that if the freelancer himself wants to take this elsewhere (such as via email or on Skype), that isn’t a good sign. After all, you don’t really know this person. And plenty of employers have had someone disappear without delivering the work after being paid. Don’t let that happen.

Now you know why you need professional logo design for your business and how to find and hire the perfect freelance logo designer to do that for you. Keep in touch with the contractor even if you don’t need him anymore after the one logo you paid for. Also, refer him to friends in the field if someone is looking for this service. That’s how you form connections and you never know when your business will grow and you’ll need a trusted freelancer again.

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