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Understand the Big Role of UX design in eCommerce Web Development

In the web world, the user experience or UX rely mostly on how well they could acquire information that they’re looking for. The key to a successful eCommerce design process is understanding what customers need and how they feel while they browser an online store. eCommerce, or electronic commerce is the business activity direction when the process of providing customers with products and services is performed via electronic devices and the web.

The last ten years saw a booming eCommerce industry, and thus the demand for eCommerce development. Today, the sector provides a lot of opportunities for companies and consumers alike. Nowadays, eCommerce activities and systems include the presentation and booking a huge range of services, such as commercial operations, e-banking, e-wallets, e-money and a whole lot more that customers use more and more frequently on a daily basis.

The Role of Design in eCommerce

The success of any eCommerce activity depends on various factors, including:

  • Quality of content presenting an offer to customers
  • Quality of offered products and services
  • Design quality for the electronic platform, website or mobile app

It’s easy to see that UX design part a critical role in the eCommerce environment. This is the field in which business experts and designers could work as one team for the good of all, most of all the target users. When designing a mobile app or eCommerce website, an eCommerce design provider definitely should take into account these aspects:

  • Robust branding
  • Seamless operation
  • Effective visual elements usage
  • User data security
  • Ability of a user to leave feedback on products and services
  • Clear presentation of data via catalogs, menus and more
  • Design that supports the offer and not overshadow it
  • General and contact information about the business that’s easily available

Three Major perspectives in UX design success

UX Design

1. The Business Perspective

eCommerce sites and mobile applications should always the products create within a particular business scenario. They are part of a specific business plan, with particular goals in mind and with planned way to achieve them. The design for this kind of products then should definitely begin way ahead of the first real line that appears on the screen or paper.

There are several concerns that should be taken into account and agreed on before starting the actual design. Among them are the following:

  • Target audience defined. It’s important to determine the buyers from the initial phase. Knowing their culture, age, wishes, possible issues and more, designers would be able to find the briefest way to a successful purchase.
  • Product USP. It’s critical to find out the benefit or set of benefits would differentiate an app or a site from the rest.
  • Brand tone and positioning. Is the brand serious, fun, friendly, luxury, or mass? Does it open a lot or maintain a reserved silence, creating a mystery around the products? These questions and more may appear far from business that should be all about profits, finance, point of sales and others. Still, these present how many features would set the future image of a brand.
  • Sales and marketing channels. It’s difficult to set all channels for selling and promoting right away. Effective business planning nonetheless means thinking over the core from the very beginning.
  • Kind of business relations. Based on the target audience that deeply influence the major UX design aspects. Determine from the start if it would be a B2B or B2C to build a proper layout.

2. User Experience Perspective.

Stakeholders should really opt for to have a user purchase via their app or website regularly. Retention of users is the direction for boosting profits. This makes the eCommerce scenario extremely to web designers. What should be achieved is simple and clear, and that is people must reach the eCommerce platform and buy products that are being offered. A positive UX is the major thing to be able to retain customers. These are the four major UX aspects:

  • Usability should make an easy and clear journey, minus the unnecessary clicks, and time wasted on loading overloaded pages.
  • Utilizes lies in the product’s nature. It helps consumers choose and purchase the goods and services they need.
  • Desirability means an app would have the feel and look that would make for an enjoyable experience and users would want to go back to again.

Accessibility should bring up design that could be used by various user categories, such as people with impairments for instance, or low tech literacy level.

3. User Interface Perspective.

Being focused not only on logic and transitions but on style and looks as well, the User Interface design phase also contributes a lot to the project success. It’s the aspect that build a sturdy desirability ground and visual performance of an interface, as well as a positive emotional buyer feedback.

At the UI design phase for eCommerce, designers should find the general stylistic concept that supports user experience aspects mentioned previously and provides attractive point-of-sale look. Several aspects that designers should take into consideration are:

  • Setting the style that corresponds to the product’s nature. Reaching the site, visitors should understand immediately if it sells fresh vegetables, exclusive devices, household products and so forth.
  • Color choice that corresponds to the image of the brand and reinforces emotional feedback.
  • General perception harmony that creates a feeling of aesthetic satisfaction, which supports a positive UX.
  • Visual hierarchy that makes the major interaction zones immediately noticeable.

Points to Take into Account

The following is a simple checklist of some of the essential aspects that web designers would rather take into account when working on any eCommerce project.

  1. Knowing the buyers. A research on the user base helps to get the requirements and wishes of the target audience.
  2. Inform users. Make the pages or screens full of functionality and information that users truly need to make a purchase.
  3. Keep the design consistent. An app or website not only need design consistency for all screens when it comes to general branding, but it also needs print materials, social networks and an actual point-of-sales look.
  4. Check the solutions. User testing could have a huge impact on comprehending the factors that improve conversions. An ideal setting would be something as applied not just in the design process but after the launch of the eCommerce platform as well.
  5. Refreshing the experience. Beautiful details or minor changes added to the interface regularly without breaking the general visual consistency gives a refreshing feeling, such as new window displays for instance.
  6. Tread carefully on the wow-effect and revolutions. The power of habit plays a great role in this kind of products. Choosing menus, icons, layouts, which stand too far from those that users are accustomed to could create frustration and confusion.
  7. Respect buyers. Keep in mind that they’re not abstract metrics. Each figure in a conversion report is all about real people. Find an interface that respects the users’ effort, time and needs and it would bring a positive shopping experience for both parties.

Better UX Design on a Budget

You need not have a huge budget or wait for a thorough site redesign before boosting the experience. Your eCommerce site could leverage good User Experience in the digital strategy with these low budget, small enhancements.

  1. Simplifying checkout. Lower the amount of fields that users should fill out. Automate a few processes for your customers if possible. A standard address validator for instance could be integrated, which saves user time ensure a clean and valid information for your customer database.
  2. Right timing for showing information. Showing too little would make you risk buyers leaving your site since they could not find the information they need. Show discount amount, costs of shipping, and other details would make users feel safe to move to the next step, and that is to make a purchase. Showing too much also would put you at risk of confusing or overwhelming visitors.

Every shopping experience stage entails various commitment levels and decision-making processes. The information you reveal at every point could help or prevent the progress of users towards conversion.

  1. Convert users without pressuring them. If your business is all about an ongoing services, like power, water, and Netflix, your hands are tied. Otherwise, you should ask yourself if you really should get people to sign up. This requirement upon making an account should be removed if possible. This creates a chance to fast-track your buyers unto a conversion checkpoint. This is an easy win for you and a fast win for users who simply want to purchase.
  2. Keep the website accurate, fast and error-free. Users are wary if they have to wait form information. Even a delay in just a few seconds is enough to create an experience that’s not pleasant. Today, people have little free time and patience and do not want to waste in on irrelevant or even wrong details. They of course don’t want to start over due to something that went wrong.
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