Written by 8:28 pm Design, Inspiration, Showcase

2020 Best Resume Templates with Cover Letter

Best Resume Templates of 2020 are here, professionally designed simple and clean Resume templates that help you make a lasting impression. We are a team of experienced designers with extensive exposure to the design resume templates. In this collection we are gathered 2020’s Best Resume Templates with cover letter and portfolio pages.

These resume templates full-fill your are requirements to present your completer bio-data, portfolio, education, skills, job experiences and much more. Modern resume design have everything about your lifestyle, expertise, and thoughts about your future.

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Best Resume Templates of 2020

Check out the screenshots to see all features. Please, feel free to post a comment and tell us what do you need more. I will try to add more professional, clean and minimal resume templates soon. Enjoy.

Here is the list of Best Resume Templates of 2020.

Resume | CV Template + Cover Letter

We specialize in designing modern, useful and professional resume templates. Our templates will serve You to present Your skills, achievements and experience in order to shape Your skills on the new position and get Your dream job.

Resume | CV Template + Cover Letter


Professional Pages Resume Template

Professional Pages Resume Template


Simple Resume | CV Template + Cover Letter

We specialize in designing modern, useful and professional resume templates. Our templates will serve You to present Your skills, achievements and experience in order to shape Your skills on the new position and get Your dream job.

Simple Resume | CV Template + Cover Letter


Word Resume & Cover letter Template

Word Resume & Cover letter Template


Professional Resume Templates

Professional Resume Templates


Best Resume Template & Cover Letter

Best Resume Template & Cover Letter


Two Pages Classic Resume CV Template

Two Pages Classic Resume CV Template


Modern Resume Template | CV

Modern Resume Template | CV


Elegant Word Resume & Cover letter

Elegant Word Resume & Cover letter


Useful Resume CV Template

Useful Resume CV Template


Minimalist CV Resume

Elegant and clean CV Resume are really difficult to find these day. Most designer interpret clean design as something that related to minimum effort. But we are different, our CV Resume design are clean but at the same time nice to look. We aware of the importance of white spaces, contents structure, and typogrpahy. Each content structure emphasis the impotance of the message your audience needed. The flyer is 100% vector and you can resize the file into any sizes without loosing its quality.

Minimalist CV Resume


Smart Resume CV Set

This Resume/CV Print Templates designed to make your printing experience even better with neatly designed layout, CMYK color and layer organization.

Smart Resume CV Set


2 Pages Swiss Resume

2 Pages Swiss Resume


Perfect Resume / CV Template

Perfect Resume / CV Template


Elegant and Professional Resume Template

This elegant and professional resume will help you get noticed! The package includes a resume sample, cover letter and references example in a pretty chic theme. This template is easy to change colours, layout and fonts to suit your needs.

Elegant and Professional Resume Template


Modern Resume & CoverLetter Template

Modern Resume & Cover Letter Template


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