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How Infographics Can Boost Traffic

Muhammad Faisal used to write long informative articles and his content didn’t perform well. In terms of bounce rate and engagement, his website didn’t grow despite putting in all the effort. He kept working on writing articles using the same strategy but the problem was still there. One of his colleagues suggested he use visual content in his content. He took the advice and started using infographics in his writings.

He saw an overwhelming increase in engagement rate and not only this, people started sharing his content on social media and other platforms. He started getting replies on his social posts and also got some followers.

What happened?

Infographics are visuals that convey information better than any textual information. According to Advanced Web Ranking, more people click on links with images than just organic search results, making visuals, are an important part of search engine optimization

Elements of Infographics

In any infographic, there are three elements taken into account, visual, content, and knowledge. For any topic to be infographic worthy, make sure that it meets the requirements.

Infographics Elements


An infographic should be visually appealing considering the topic it’s about. If it’s something related to science, the infographic should follow a scientific tone.


The most important aspect is the title when it comes to the infographic content. Why? Because even if the point of the infographic is to show visually, a title tells the story. If the title of an infographic isn’t catchy and doesn’t attract attention, you have failed in serving the purpose. Make sure the titles in your infographic are catchy, short, and precise.


Without prior knowledge, you cannot make a good infographic. If your infographic has a catchy title, and a good visual graphic, but the story isn’t that catchy and is without knowledge, the infographic will be not as good as it should be.

How infographics can boost traffic

  1. The use of Infographics on social media can impact your traffic and can build your authority in your current profile niche.
  2. Use of forums for sharing infographics is also a great strategy. Platforms like Quora can be used as exposure for your Infographic, but make sure that the thread you choose is relevant to the infographic’s topic. You can include a link to your infographic under any answer.
  3. Did you know that there are Infographic directories? Well, if you’re working on infographics, chances are that you might need some time before it helps you in boosting traffic and generate backlinks. With these infographic directories, you can find infographic directories and submit yours to get more exposure.
  4. With billions of pins, Pinterest is an underrated platform for eCommerce and visual content. You can create a board on Pinterest and share your infographics with others. You’ll get more engagements and hence more shares with traffic.
  5. Make sure that your infographics are easy to share, for example, make them embeddable for bloggers and website owners to embed on their websites with the source versions.
  6. You can use Buzzsumo and similar tools to reach out to influencers to share content similar to your infographic topic. Tell them about your new visual creation on the topic and they will likely share it.
  7. Use social ads to promote your infographic template on social media, especially if used with lead generation ads.
  8. Bonus: Reach out to cited sources and tell them that you have featured them in your infographic and ask them to share further in their niche. This way, you can also get a link back.
Infographics Can Boost Traffic

So, these were the ways you could follow to boost traffic through infographics. Infographics are game changers when it comes to visual content. They offer precise information related to any particular topic, making it easier for people to get everything they need in just a glimpse.

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