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70 Beautiful Pictogams (Free Icons) for UI Design

Beautiful hand crafted pictograms by Jamila Hodges. The collection of seventy free icons / pictograms for web and user interface graphic designers. The Icons package is completely free of cost and comes in the form of icons (AI format). Each icon is a single shape layer, meaning they can be scaled up and down without loss of quality. Adding layer styles and blend modes is also a breeze.

So what are you waiting go ahead and download the lovely little pictograms for your next project.

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Free Icons for UI Design

There are many advantages of pictograms icons like no more slicing images and modifying background positions, No more media queries for different screen resolutions, lightweight, consistent graphics based on a 24px grid, Pixel-perfect rendering in webkit browsers using -webkit-font-smoothing: anti-aliased, CSS.

Free Pictograms (Preview)

Beautiful Pictogams (Free Icons) for UI Design


Electronics Pictogram


Business Pictogram


Science and Health Pictogram


Symbols Pictogram


Others Pictogram


Colorful Pictogram

Download included .AI format file.
Large Preview: Free Pictograms Icons for UI Design (.PNG)

License, Usage, and Sharing:

The icon set is design Jamila Hodges completely free for commercial and non-commercial usage. You cannot, however, claim them to be your own, redistribute these icons on another website and/or sell them for a profit.  You should include a link to this page in your credits.


Download Free Pictograms (Icons)

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