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12 Elementor Themes, Plugins and Templates

The World of web design has changed. We are able to witness and sense the rapid development of this industry, which simplifies lives for millions of people. However, such a fast enhancement provokes an influx of new products and makes a website creation quite confusing. Today, we are going to tell more about the hottest novelties in a web design sphere, so every human being could evaluate products and make a stand-alone conclusion if it is beneficial for the particular online project.

Elementor WordPress Themes

Elementor Page Builder is rightfully considered to be one of the most brilliant web inventions of recent years. So, let’s find out what is all the noise about. Elementor is a website constructor, that allows you to create a website design in a live mode using drag-and-drop facilities. To be specific, the process of an Elementor based content creation requires no interactions with code. All you do is drugging content modules around the page with your mouse and get results instantly. That’s about as close to perfect as it gets. Nevertheless, progress does not stand still and there are lots of tools based on the Elementor technology worth drawing attention to.

The first one is an Elementor theme. It is a complete design for your website that comes equipped with a pack of content modules which you can order on a drag-and-drop basis.

Visuelle – Creative Mondrianism Elementor WordPress Theme

Visuelle - Creative Mondrianism Elementor WordPress Theme

EasyJet – Multipurpose WordPress Theme

EasyJet - Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Journez – Travel Elementor WordPress Theme

Journez - Travel Elementor WordPress Theme

Contributz – Corporate Consulting Elementor WordPress Theme

Contributz - Corporate Consulting Elementor WordPress Theme

The second product that comes in conjunction with an Elementor functionality is a template. A template is a landing page or a ready-made skin that you can adjust using page builder and special add-ons.

RedDragon – Asian Restaurant Jet Elementor Template

RedDragon - Asian Restaurant Jet Elementor Template

Shotte – Splash Photographer Jet Elementor Template

Shotte - Splash Photographer Jet Elementor Template

Basiclass – Classic Buisiness Jet Elementor Template

Basiclass - Classic Buisiness Jet Elementor Template

Towercon – Architecture Jet Elementor Template

Towercon - Architecture Jet Elementor Template

Speaking of add-ons. The third category is the plugins. Using plugins you can enhance the website functionality, spice it up it a gorgeous animation and make your website more user-friendly. Picking a plugin compatible with Elementor, be sure you won’t meet any difficulties, as the process of its maintenance is the same as for themes and templates.

JetElements – Addon for Elementor Page Builder WordPress Plugin

JetElements - Addon for Elementor Page Builder WordPress Plugin

JetParallax – Addon for Elementor Page Builder WordPress Plugin

JetParallax - Addon for Elementor Page Builder WordPress Plugin

JetMenu – Mega Menu for Elementor Page Builder WordPress Plugin

JetMenu - Mega Menu for Elementor Page Builder WordPress Plugin

JetTricks – Visual Effects Addon for Elementor WordPress Plugin

JetTricks - Visual Effects Addon for Elementor WordPress Plugin

We want to share with you some fascinating news! From now on, you can find all these Elementor goods gathered in one huge Elementor Marketplace. Here you can find Elementor WordPress themes, Plugins, Jet Elementor and Pro Elementor WordPress templates, and other outstanding products of the modern web design and development.

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