Apple has launched its newest iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max with powerful features 5G speed, A14 Bionic, Super Retina XDR display and Ceramic Shield. The iPhone 12 is the replacement for the baseline iPhone 11. It has a 6.1 OLED display using Apple’s Super Retina XDR technology and supports 5G networks.
The iPhone 12 has several new features and updates to push the device even further. A new design, new colors, better cameras, and a better processor. Apple positioned the latest lineup as “iPhone for everyone” with the biggest variation in screen size and color ever in the company’s history.
After launching the iPhone 12, designers created amazing iPhone 12 Mockups and Sketch for presentation. So I decided to gathered high-res PSD iPhone 12 mockups and sketch templates for designers and developers. There are only high-quality iPhone X Mockup templates, you can free download and used in commercial or personal projects.
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There are different style and perspectives iPhone 12 mockups included in this collection such as Isometric Mockup, Sketch Mockup, Light and Dark Vector Illustrated iPhone 12 Mock-ups. Fully customizable and functional Photoshop PSD Mockups for commercial and personal use.
Designing is my hobby. I love Photoshop and Illustrator. My experties are UI design, Logo design, Mockup design, Letter head design and business card designs. I'm also available for Freelancing work.