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300 Free Interface Design Vector Icons and Vector Elements

Vector Icons are the basic requirement of any web related projects and good icons are like a treasure for web designers. If you are looking for that perfect vector icon for your web site, blog, web app or application, you will find them here.

High Quality Free Graphical User Interface Vector Icons for Web Designer and Web Application Developers.

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Theses icons are easy to adapt to your own needs. They can be used for website wireframes, online application design, software interface mockup… They are based on a precise 16 pixels grid, which means that they stay clear and have crispy look even at small sizes.

Icons Preview:

Here’s a preview of some of the icons in their sizes:
Free Interface Design Vector Icons and Vector Elements

The download file includes all of the icons in a large AI format graphic.

License, Usage, and Sharing:

You are free to use this icon set for personal or commercial projects with attribution to webalys, under the following guidelines:

  • Please link directly to this article for all sharing of the icon set.
  • You may not resell this set or any derivatives works from this set.
  • You may not upload this set to another website or offer it for download on another website.
  • Copyrighted materials in this set remain the copyright of their respective owners


Download the AI file with all icons below:
Free Interface Design Vector Icons

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