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Free Graphical Resource Of Adobe Fireworks – Webportio

Webportio is a website that offers 100+ free graphic resources for Adobe Fireworks (the collection is growing regularly).

Items include buttons, calendars, forms, ribbons, sliders and many other ones. They are very well-categorized so you can find a specific object quickly.

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All graphic files are vector-based which makes customizing easier and have a good structure of layers.

Graphical Resource Preview

Free Graphical Resource Of Adobe Fireworks - Webportio
Even if you’re not a Fireworks user, resources can still be handy as they come in .PNG format.

You can fine here:

Graphical elements, Boxes, Buttons, Calenders, Fireworks Styles, Forms, Grids, Icons, Menus, Players, Ribbons, Sliders, Tooltips, Website templates

  • Well Organized FilesAll graphics files have a good structure,
    so it is easy to navigate.
  • Easy CustomizationThe art works are vector based and be easily
    customized according to your needs.
  • DownloadAll files are availiable for free and can be used for noncommercial or commercial usage too.

Terms of Usage

You may freely use our resources, without restriction, in software programs, web templates and other materials intended for sale or distribution. No attribution or backlinks are required, but any form of spreading the word is always appreciated!

You are not permitted to make the resources found on webportio available for distribution elsewhere “as is” without prior consent.

Download Free Graphical Resource

Website: webportio.com

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