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250 High Quality Vector Web UI Icons

Beautiful set of vector icon that is perfect for web UI design. There are 250 vector icons with four well arranged & sliced PSD, AI, EPS and thousand ready to use PNG files. You can scale and customize the icons as per you needs without losing quality.

Icons that included in the set are very common ones that any UI design can require (Communication, Media, Signs & Symbols, Developers icon, Tools, Settings & Display, files & Foldes, Office & Finance, Graph, Shopping Cart and Icons which are very useful to creating such interfaces).

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Vector Web UI Icons

Every designer who has spent many hours mocking up web pages, mobile apps or app icons will tell you how important it is to have a reliable set of re-usable, editable and uniform GUI elements that they can rely upon for the initial rapid prototyping stage of any project.

What are you waiting go ahead and download the lovely Vector icons for web project.

Vector Icons Preview

Vector web UI icons

The download package includes all icons in Photoshop PSD, Transparent PNG, Vector EPS, AI Illustrator formats.

Download Vector Web UI Icons

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