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Tips and Tricks for Responsive Web Typography

Responsive web typography is perhaps one of the most important features of web design. There’s a lot more to this aspect than simply just resizing the container of the text before having the text itself re-flow inside it.

Responsive Landing Page

There are various methods to successfully and efficiently create responsive design typography on the web, which entails, among others, achieving legible line heights and font sizes.

Make Your Text Accessible

Responsive readable Text Size

When you employ color contrast and a font that is easily readable, you will be able to resize your text to fit screens of various sizes and avoid turning all your content into something that no one really wants to spend too much time looking at.

Keep in mind that if your text is not very legible when you first create it, it will still be that way no matter how much you attempt to resize it.

How to Select Your Font

Fonts for Responsive Layouts

You will be able to narrow down the choice of your font through a few methods, keeping in mind that you must consider a series of small details.

First, you will need to decide if you want to use a font that is serif or sans serif. Some insist that using a sans serif font is the best decision in terms of responsive CSS typography, as serif fonts will appear to be blurry on screens.

However, serifs are completely acceptable, especially when they are used in larger pixel quantities, as they make the font appear visually sharper.

responsive css typography

Your next decision will involve selecting a secondary font, more specially one that is a sans serif.  Yet, some recommend that you go with either all serif fonts or all sans serif fonts, though not everyone agrees with this option.

Should you decide to mix both font types together, make sure that the pixel quantity of the serif font is higher than twelve, while the sans serif font is below this same number. Take the opportunity to experiment with this step; it will help you figure out which particular method works best for you in the long run.

Regardless you choose a serif font or a sans serif font, just make sure that everything is as legible as possible. It is also important to keep in mind that not all types of fonts are considered suitable for body type.

Code Everything!

Responsive typography

No matter what kind of responsive typography you plan to use for your design, it is important to ensure that all of the ratios are marked up for the same.

In addition, while you are implementing different font sizes to assist with the adaptability of your browser, be sure to code everything to help keep your page from looking disordered.

Consider Luminosity

low contrast font color can result in decreased readability

Using a low contrast font color can result in decreased readability, which should never  be compromised for beautiful designs.

Don’t think of this as a design tip – think of it as an absolute necessity.

There are different and useful tools designed to assist you with measuring the contrast levels of your font colors, also helping you to make sure that they remain compliant with W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

The W3C recently introduced a new concept regarding luminosity. This allows developers and designers to adjust a document’s style in response to the luminosity in which it is being used, maximizing its readability.

In order to trigger this new media feature, the device must be equipped with a special light sensor.

Check the Smallest Screen First

responsive mobile layout

Screens that measure around approximately 320 pixels wide should be looked at first, as these are the display sizes of some of the most popular devices available on the market today.

In these cases, there are normally between 45 and 75 characters per line, which can cause the lines to feel short for those who are not the fans of counting characters.

Final Thoughts

Responsive home page design

When you strip your page of all media and images, you will be able to check out how the type on your page looks. You will also see how your page works without all of that extra content.

Many designers today are focusing more on layouts that are simple and pay more attention to typography. This is because the content on the page needs to be read first.

In the end, you will want to adapt and make your page as legible as possible.

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