Written by 4:55 pm jQuery • 3 Comments

RocketBar jQuery And CSS3 “Stay On Top” Navigation Menu – Free Download

RocketBar is a simple solution for this which shows you how you can easily provide your users a persistent form of site navigation without them needing to scroll back up.

If you’ve been designing for a few years, you’ll know that in concept this idea isn’t all that new – it could be just as easily executed using frames or just some fixed position CSS. The difference between those approaches and RocketBar however is that  your site design and navigation doesn’t have to suffer from being completed fixed in nature to implement this idea. With RocketBar, You can still use that multi-level drop down menu, or finely crafted jQuery navigation you’ve come up with this effect with without having to worry about it being cut-off or dealing with issues like z-indexing if frames were used to implement the idea.

Today we will create a very useful element for showing related posts slide out boxes menus in a blog or website. The main idea is to show a fixed list at the right side of the screen with some thumbnails sticking out. When the user hovers over the items, they slide out, revealing the title and two links, one for the related article itself and one for the demo. Additionally, we will have a shuffle button under the list. When pressed, the list gets randomly refreshed with related posts.

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RocketBar “Stay On Top” Navigation Menu Preview:

RocketBar jQuery And CSS3 Stay On Top Navigation Menu - Free Download


Required: jQuery
Demo 1: https://www.addyosmani.com/resources/rocketbar/version2
Demo 2: https://www.addyosmani.com/resources/rocketbar
Download RocketBar jQuery And CSS3 Scrolling Navigation Menu

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