Written by 9:59 pm Icons • 4 Comments

150 Free Pixel-Perfect Glyphs Icons in PSD

The free glyph icons set includes 150 pixel-perfect icons, comes as a PSD file where each item can be scaled to any size without loss of quality.

Items included in the set are very common ones that any app can require (like arrows, charts, media player and text editor actions, etc.) which is nice for web & app designers/developers.

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Icons are the basic requirement of any web related projects and good icons are like a treasure for web designers. If you are looking for that perfect icon for your web siteblog, web app or application, you will find them here.

So what are you waiting go ahead and download the lovely free Glyphs icons for next web or design project.

NOTE: Free icon sets you can download and use both for commercial and non-commercial aims.

Glyphs Icons (Preview)

Glyphs Icons

Download include .PSD files
Large View: Free Glyphs Icon set for UI Design (.JPG)

License, Usage, and Sharing:

The icon set release by Alexey Anatolievich completely free for commercial and non-commercial usage. You cannot, however, claim them to be your own, redistribute these icons on another website and/or sell them for a profit.  You should include a link to this page in your credits.

Download Glyphs Icons

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