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New and Vigorous Logo – Useful Tips

Why need a logo?

Well, one can do without a logo, but once the business grows there is a chance that your client base will not identify with your business as there is no brand. The brand works with a name in most cases but a visual impact has a lot more mass appeal. A logo is eligible for copyright protections and the owner could have exclusive rights over that logo. It is excellent for creating a brand value.

Why change a logo?

Why change a logo?

Remember how the style of the 70’s gradually got out fashioned. Each decade almost had a different fashion. This is to suit the needs of the new time. Similarly a logo too may have to changed over due course of time, so that it may be able to adapt to the needs of the modern time.

Has any well known establishment changed the logo of its establishment?

Yes, many organizations have changed the logo of their establishment. The most prominent of them are the beverage giants Coca Cola and Pepsi. Over decades they have undergone modifications of their logo. This shows that there was clearly a need to be dynamic about their logo.

Organizations changed the logo of their establishment

How will a person understand that does he needs to change his logo or not?

Not always is there a requirement to change the logo, but in certain circumstances the organizations may consider the option of changing the logo.

  • In case the logo is not in harmony with the modern social media– Some logos were very apt for the yellow pages or hoardings. Now with the digital age it may not be the wisest idea to keep on using the same logo. It may not only look pretty dull and outdated but it may not at all ne adaptable for the social media. The social media requires a more digitally adaptable image so that it is catchy and it would leave an image in the minds of the users.

When a person uses a mobile app, that logo should be capable of acting like button as well. A very large sized logo may be undesirable for this reason.

  • The logo must represent he business– A logo sets the impression about a business. It is very important that the logo would represent something about the business. Sometimes over a long period of time a business may change the goods that it deals with. Say a business was selling food preservatives decades back is now selling packed food. In such a case the logo would be apt if it could represent the new business.

The logo need clearly show what the business is but it should be capable of establishing some sort of connection.  The real problem occurs when the logo starts to represent something else. There could be confusion and misconception in that case.

  • There is a dearth of expertise in it –At times logos are not designed by the experts but by amatuers.There is definitely a huge difference between logos that are made proffessionally versus those made without much expertise . In today’s world it is undesirable because of the fact that it may not be able to mark in front the other professionally made images. A logo made by an expert has more impact and appeal.
  • The rivals got a better logo- No, it is not something to be egoistic about. However, if the rival has a better logo then it could actually have an impact on the profitability of the business. Thus a better logo may be inversely related to more profit.
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